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FFSampledSP allows the splitting of Stems (or any other file with multiple audio streams) into their respective parts.

Here's how you do it:

// Imports and error handling omitted for brevity.
final File file = new File("your.stem.mp4");
final String[] stemNames = {"master", "drums", "bass", "synths", "vox"};
final FFAudioFileReader ffAudioFileReader = new FFAudioFileReader();

// getAudioFileFormats(file) is an additional method that allows querying
// the file for its streams/stems.
final int stemCount = ffAudioFileReader.getAudioFileFormats(file).length;

System.out.println("Found " + stemCount + " stems.");

for (int i=0; i<stemCount; i++) {
    System.out.println("Reading stem " + i + " (" + stemNames[i] + ") ...");

    // Open stream with index i (this is a non-standard FFSampledSP method).
    final AudioInputStream in = ffAudioFileReader.getAudioInputStream(file, i);

    // Often, Stems are Apple Lossless encoded.
    // Therefore we have to convert to signed PCM; FFSampledSP is capable of doing just that.
    // If you need to decode other formats than Apple Lossless, you might need to recompile
    // FFSampledSP/tagtraum FFmpeg with the appropriate flags.
    final AudioInputStream pcmIn = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, in);
    final File stem = new File(file.getParent(), file.getName().replace(".stem.mp4", "." + stemNames[i] + ".wav"));

    // Let the audio system take care of writing the WAV file.
    AudioSystem.write(pcmIn, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, stem);

    // Free resources.

Don't forget that you must have the FFSampledSP jar in your classpath and the FFSampledSP native library in your java.library.path. Otherwise, you'll probably get an UnsupportedAudioFileException.

Naturally, similar code can also be used to play back individual Stems.